Nejla Gultekin
Mersin Sehir Hospital, Turkey
Title: The level of follistatin and activin in follicular fluid of long protocol in in vitro fertilization
Biography: Nejla Gultekin
Background & Objective: Do we estimate the success of the IVF treatment before the pregnancy test via intra follicular hormonal markers? The level of follistatin and activin is measured and their levels are compared with the oocyte grade in IVF patients.
Study Design: This study has 50 infertile patients. In our study, the best oocyte is taken from each woman. In the IVF treatment, the recombinant FSH doze around 200-300 IU. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) 10.000 IU is administrated. The oocyte pick-up is started. The level of activin and follistatin are measured with ELISA testing. The advanced oocyte morphology grading system is used and the oocytes are divided into four groups.
Results: In this study, the worsening quality of oocyte by declining of level of follistatin and activin in the follicular fluid is demonstrated. In addition, the follistatin and activin level is decreased by rising of the age.
Conclusion: The systemic effects of gonadotropin will be more considerable reason than the fertility in the future. For this reason, we should find the available route of the local injection of gonadotropin to infertile patients. In that point, our study has an important role in the future.